Picture of the Week 6-11-2009
June 11, 2009 by Jamie
Since I missed a week I wanted this week’s picture to be something special. I had been using my camera’s auto exposure bracketing feature for this shot. I took the images I bracketed and made an HDR (high dynamic range) image. HDR allows you to take multiple exposure shots of a single image and merge them into one image in a photo editing program. There are a few different programs that can do this, I used Photomatix, as you can tell by the water mark on my photo below. Right now I am using the trial version so any HDR’s I create will have that mark. I kind of have a love/hate relationship with HDR, on one hand I love the effect that it creates with images. It is great photo art. On the other hand it tends to look very fake, but if I just look at it as a piece of art, like a painting, I can see it’s value. One of my favorite website’s to visit to see great HDR images is The Windy Pixel, their HDR images put mine to shame even though they use Photomatix as well. Here is my image below, hopefully as I use this program more I will create even more specatcular images.
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