Picture of the Week 10-26-2009

October 26, 2009 by  

This week’s picture is yet another HDR image done in Photomatix. I shot this with a rented Canon 50D in Mission Hills during the Trail of Torment. While I was waiting at the finish line for the runners I noticed the beautiful foliage around me and the perfect golden lighting that the early morning sunrise was providing. I thought  it would make for a perfect HDR image. The great thing about the 50D is it’s ability to shoot in high speed continious mode. Because I almost never use a tripod my HDR shots usually don’t line up right when I put them into Photomatix because I always shoot hand held. With the 50D in high speed continious this was not a problem, the burst was so fast it was like the wind didn’t have any time to rustle through the leaves.


Photo Info: This photo was made up of three images and shot with the Canon 50D. Image #1– ISO 400, F7.1 at 1/640 of a second. Image #2– ISO 400, F7.1 at 1/1250 of a second. Image #3– ISO 400, F7.1 at 1/320 of a second.








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