December 4, 2009 by Jamie
I haven’t posted anything recently for a couple reasons, one is that we haven’t been taking many pictures lately and the other is a bit more unfortunate. About three weeks ago we lost our family dog. She had gone from seemingly perfect health to her death bed in a matter of a week. Mimi wasn’t even really our dog, but she had been living with us for about 4 months. Despite her short time with us her loss was very hard to take. Before Mimi, Bryan and I had never owned a dog, we were fish people. Mimi was a ray of sunshine in our life and after her passing we realized that we could never go back to being just fish people, we were dog people. As a way to distract myself from the constant pain of thinking about Mimi, I browsed around the internet for dogs. I came across a site that rescues German Shepherds and that’s where I found her. Pearl, that is, a white German Shepherd. We recently adopted this beautiful dog and she has been amazing. I didn’t bond with Pearl the way I bonded with Mimi at first, but then again Mimi set the bar pretty high. Pearl has got her own weird personality with all the random quirks that you grow to love. Nonetheless she is our own perfect gem.
[…] the newest member of our family, Maxx. We recently adopted Maxx from the same rescue we adopted Pearl from. Why did we decide to get another dog? Honestly I’m still not sure, I somehow got talked […]