Photo of the week 4-9-2017
April 9, 2017
This past weekend, we hiked in on the upper Aliso Canyon trail in Chino Hills State Park in search for wildflowers. The plan was to hike about a mile in and a mile out but that soon turned into more than double that before we came across any wildflowers. The park is overgrown with invasive mustard plants. Their yellow color is still pleasant but it’s literally everywhere you look. Finally we found some poppies and other wildflowers up on a hill. Jamie was carrying the Canon EOS M5 while I had the SX530 however up on that hill, all I had access to was my cell phone. This is the photo I captured of Jamie hard at work photographing the flowers close up.
Photo of the week 4/1/2017
April 1, 2017
While we were in Sedona it started snowing so I stepped out of the cabin to photograph the newly fallen snow. When I came to the window, Jamie was holding Silas and he was waving to me.
In order to get this shot, I over-exposed by 1 and 1/3 stops. This allowed the bright lights in the background to become even brighter while allowing the back lit subjects to appear normally exposed. This is because I was using evaluative metering that looks at the whole scene. If I used spot metering, I could just point the center at the subjects and half press the shutter to lock in the exposure.
I was standing outside in the snow when shooting this and I actually shot it quite crooked but fortunately rotating photos after the fact is very easy. I like the framing that the window ads as well as the feeling of looking in from outside. Maxx is just a dim shadow in the lower right.