Picture of the Week
February 24, 2009
We’re starting a new feature here on Shez Photo called Picture of the Week. We take a lot of random pictures in between events that I never know what to do with so we thought we would share them here. These pictures aren’t particularly amazing but just everyday stuff we photograph. Hopefully this will inspire us to shoot even more since we tend to get too busy to go out and photograph during the week.
This week’s photo is of my best friend Tara’s horse Jack. I got to visit him this past weekend for a few hours. Isn’t he magnificent? It was very cloudy that day so I was having problems with the exposure, I had to do a little editing with Digital Photo Professional.

This photo was taken with my Rebel XT at F 5.6 at 1/60 of a second; ISO 400.
Just Checking In…
February 16, 2009
I know it’s been awhile since I blogged. I also know that I promised to blog every week, well I’ve found out how hard that is to do when your life is just not that interesting. We haven’t really been out to take photos for the past few weeks on account of it raining almost every weekend. We hope to take more photos soon and we have lots of things to look forward to.
Firstly, triathlon season is almost here. I can’t wait to go back out there and photograph the triathletes! I’ve been missing the early mornings and busy weekends. Second, we started another class called Photographics. The projects in this class consist of a lot of experimentation and creativity in the darkroom. This is going to be an excellent way to show off our creativity. I will be starting a series of blogs about the projects in the class and sharing our work. Lastly and most exciting of all, we are planning to go to the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey this April. So stay tuned for our coverage of that.
I’ve been told that blogs are better when you include pictures in them, so here is one of the most recent pictures I’ve taken of the snow in our mountains.