Photographics: Final Portfolio

June 12, 2009 by  

Our final project for Photographics required us to put together a portfolio of images that we created in the class. The portfolio was to be 8-14 images, mounted with some kind of theme or uniformity to them. Some students chose a flower theme, some did all lumen prints, some did a variety of different tones. I was really impressed with the quality of work from our fellow classmates. Some of them are masters in the darkroom and many have a great eye for composition, most of them blew my portfolio away, they were just so good. Bryan chose to use his best images that he had turned in throughout the semester for his portfolio. I decided to do a batch of fresh images. I took two older film photos and reworked them digitally. For each photo I did a sepia toned image, a sabbatier, an applied color, a high contrast and a lith. The professor and my fellow students liked the idea and thought it was interesting to see a variation on one image side by side. Below is my portfolio.

Sepia by Jamie

Sepia by Jamie

High Contrast by Jamie

High Contrast by Jamie

Applied Color by Jamie

Applied Color by Jamie

Sabbatier by Jamie

Sabbatier by Jamie

Lith by Jamie

Lith by Jamie

Sepia by Jamie

Sepia by Jamie

High Contrast by Jamie

High Contrast by Jamie

Applied Color by Jamie

Applied Color by Jamie

Sabbatier by Jamie

Sabbatier by Jamie

Lith by Jamie

Lith by Jamie


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